Thursday, April 2, 2009

"A Bit of Light Reading"

Hello everybody! How are you all doing today? I've been looking through online book retailers, especially to find more Harry Potter analysis books and I've had a bit of success. For Easter, I think I'll be ordering Muggles, Monsters and Magicians: A Literary Analysis of the Harry Potter Series by Claudia Fenske (this being the priciest book: it's over $50 (but I bet she hasn't sold too many) and get this, it's nearly 500 pages long and published post-Deathly Hallows. That's my kind of cup of tea.

Another book I'm planning on reading is this one: Harry Potter and the Order of the Court: The J. K. Rowling Copyright Case and the Question of Fair Use by Robert S. Want. Now that's around $20 (I generally spend $15-30 for these books; lately as I've read more and more I've been going for the more unusual books or the ones with much less hype so I can gain the knowledge and insights therein, review the books online for the author and generally hope to give them more exposure). Anyway, I've been hearing more and more about the April 2008 court case and it would be nice to see an analysis of those court documents.

There seems to be a series of books written by Graeme Davis called Re-read Harry Potter and the... Today! An Unauthorized Guide. I'm curious as to the quality of the writing here, and the page numbers are short, but since it's under $20 a volume, I am tempted.

I eagerly await a number of books coming out in the coming months. That list includes the following:

Reading Harry Potter Again: New Critical Essays by Giselle Liza Anatol: Hardcover (that makes it pricey), ? pp., publish date 30 May 2009's Unofficial, Unauthorized and Unequaled Harry Potter Debates by Emerson Spartz and Ben Schoen, Paperback, $14.95, 180 pp., publish date 1 June 2009

Re-Reading Harry Potter by Suman Gupta: Hardcover (again, pricey-ness), 240 pp., publish date 7 July 2009

Harry Potter's Bookshelf by John Granger: Paperback, $15, 336 pp., publish date 7 July 2009

The Politics of Harry Potter by Bethany Barratt: Paperback, $24.95, 288 pp., 24 November 2009 (though I saw a May 2009 release date for this on another website - the Nov. date is from

The two books coming out on July 7 are released on the same day that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows debuts as a paperback novel, so market-wise, that makes a lot of sense. So, it seems to be one book each month. Except April, which is why I'll probably get the books I mentioned above over the Easter Holiday. I'm sure there's books coming out August-December 2009, but I just don't know the information yet about them as probably doesn't have all of their pages up yet. I hope to see something about Hog's Head Conversations edited by Travis Prinzi and Does Hary Potter Tickle Waking Dragons? (Book 2 in the Harry Potter Tickle... Trilogy) by Nancy S. Villaluz, but Prinzi hasn't said anything yet on his website, and the Ramance Press website for Villaluz's book is not yet operational.

Oh well, there's some happy reading. And there's a few others not on that list that were published pre- and post-Deathly Hallows that I have not resolved to look into yet.