Friday, January 16, 2009

The Reason for Writing and a Tribute to John Granger

I honestly would not have even considered writing this blog if it were not for the inspiring lecture delivered by John Granger (which I had the pleasure of attending at my graduate school, La Salle University in Philadelphia, PA) entitled "Who Killed Albus Dumbledore?" in the early spring of 2007. Though already having been a fan of the series, my admiration of the books as great works only began in the months that followed and was decided by the final installment of Rowling's masterpiece, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

I have read a number of Granger's books, including The Hidden Key to Harry Potter (2002), How Harry Cast His Spell (2008) and The Deathly Hallows Lectures (2008). I eagerly anticipate his publication of Harry Potter's Bookshelf, forthcoming for this year.

John Granger's thoughts on Potter set the gears in my brain into motion. This is not to say that they were not already in full-swing; at the time of his lecture, I was preparing to begin my Master's Thesis and a summer of historical research. "Potter Analysis" (as I've come to call it) was merely a worthy distraction from everday life. An intellectual debate over a fun subject which I could look at for free at

And then Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released on July 21st, 2007, and everything changed. I went back to my second year of graduate school, and while working on my thesis, debated Potter with some undergraduate friends. I argued over the virtues of several of the characters. And I watched as another friend in late November read the last chapters of Deathly Hallows in the graduate work-study office for the first time. I knew that she was reading the chapter entitled "The Forest Again" as did everyone else in the office; for once, it was absolutely silent out of pure respect for the literature.

I continued to debate Potter, but again, I had other pressing matters to finish. This was wise - I completed my Master's Thesis with flying colors and a second research project over the summer. When I returned home from graduate school and finally had some time to myself, I got to read John Granger's 2008 publications.

And again, I was blown away. I've come to read a lot of "Potter analysis" books and articles in the recent past, and I've found that I cannot continue my admiration for the series without giving something back to the phenomenon. And so I am beginning this blog, partially in tribute to the others who have gone before me in their efforts, so as to join this great discussion of what I truly believe is the best literature of the turn of the 21st century.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Demarest,

    Great seeing and catching up with you at the Potterdelphia meet-up on Saturday! Thank you for the very kind words here; I'm looking forward to reading more of your thoughts on Sleeping Dragons and other Potter ancillary books, as well as your own work.


